I asked myself last week what motivates Robert Habeck to talk about running for chancellor, given that poll ratings are around 10%.

Is it this self-loving, green hubris? The ultimate loss of reality? Lust for power and arrogance? Or is it a character from Goethe’s ‘Faust’ speaking in the commercial at the staged kitchen table: as part of that force that always wants good and yet creates evil?

It is probably a mixture of everything. With our current Minister of Economic Affairs, who once said that he has never been able to get on with Germany.

But this country is battered after 3 years of green-red dominated leadership, hopelessly overwhelmed by the energy transition and immigration. Leading automobile manufacturers, once the crown jewels of the German economy, are announcing mass layoffs.

The amateurish attempt to transform a Christian-social democratic society, oriented towards performance, profit and the common good, into a colourful, diverse and cosmopolitan community, replacing education, knowledge and performance with attitude and identity, has failed miserably.

In this way, we are now truly experiencing our “green economic miracle”. Back in the spring, Habeck said that the controversial building energy law was also a test of what people can be expected to do to protect the climate. Today, we can say that the fourth-largest industrial nation in the world is not a test laboratory. Or: The damage that ideology-driven politics has caused in the country is already so great that the Greens should not be allowed to enter government again for several years.

Because it is not just about dismantling our own livelihoods, it is about the destroyed hopes for the future. For all people, but above all for our young people, to whom we are leaving a burned-out economy in this way. We know the consequences of this development: As prosperity dwindles, so does democracy.

The way out of the crisis now requires a vision for a new beginning, the right mindset and finally professional leadership again. With an awareness of our basic Western values: enlightenment, personal freedom, tolerance and equality. Awareness of history and a sense of tradition. Respect, hard work and discipline. Appreciation of industry, small and medium-sized businesses and all people who work for the economy in Germany.

Politics for our country and its people. Anyone who can credibly convey that they stand up for this will have the voters on their side on February 23rd next year.

With this in mind

Ernst-M. Ehrenkönig · CEO & Managing Partner

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