RHEditorial Oktober 2024

Dear Governing Mayor Wegener,

The company I manage, RHE Grundbesitz, is now being subjected to an inspection under the Money Laundering Act by your Senate Department for Economic Affairs for the second year in a row. As required by the “Law on the Tracking of Proceeds from Serious Crimes”, the entrepreneur’s compliance with his duty to cooperate is being checked.

The ongoing monitoring of business relationships with our customers and the corresponding documentation required by law costs the company resources and time. I have therefore assigned the tasks of the money laundering officer to a competent employee. She conscientiously provides the friendly employees of the Senate Department who are responsible for the inspection with the requested documents.

I can assure you that the security of Berlin and Germany is very important to all of our employees. You can therefore continue to rely on our cooperation in meticulous, official checks, even when the state elsewhere allows hundreds of people into the country every day, whose names and intentions it knows neither. Conversely, however, we would also like to rely on you to protect our city from violence, crime and terror and thus fulfill your constitutional obligation as Governing Mayor.

In recent years, Berlin parks have become no-go areas, there are regular fights and sexual assaults against girls and young women in swimming pools, and teachers in schools are afraid of their students or their relatives. Members of criminal gangs and Arab clans are fighting each other in the open street, and more and more rescue workers, hospital employees and police officers are being insulted, attacked and injured.

Mr. Wegener, how can the state allow our Jewish fellow citizens to no longer enter parts of Neukölln because they fear for their health there? That 80 years after the Holocaust, the destruction of Israel is being demanded and the murder of Jews is being celebrated on Berlin’s streets?

Most of us, and I suspect you too, would never have dreamed of these conditions. I therefore urge you all the more today as citizens of Berlin, voters and taxpayers: Do not gamble away the trust of the people who still believe in “unity, justice and freedom”. That is the vast majority and there is still time for it. Uncontrolled mass immigration and its consequences are also “giant elephants” in the middle of our city – impossible to ignore. Berliners no longer want grandiose declarations or political Sunday speeches, we have had plenty of those in recent years.

“Enough words have been exchanged” – now let us see actions.


Ernst-M. Ehrenkönig · CEO & Managing Partner

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